To download and view the visit list report

> Front Office > Visit Reports > Visit List Report

Visit list report provides a report of all the visits whether they are Requested, OnGoing, Completed, Approved, Rejected or Missed. A missed visit means the visit request will not be updated. The report is downloadable in PDF and Excel format from the page.

  1. Click Filter on the top of the page. The pop-up window will appear.
  2. Select Status (Requested, On-Going, Completed, Approved, Rejected or Missed) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Host (Student or Staff) from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Visitor Type (Parent or Registered Visitor) from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select From and To dates.
  6. Click SUBMIT. The list of all the visits will be displayed.


  • Click to download the file in Excel format.
  • Click to download the file in PDF format.

The visit list report will be downloaded.
