To view and download biometric shift attendance report

> Attendance > Attendance Reports > Biometric Shift Attendance Report

Biometric shift attendance report provides a report of the shift with the In and Out Time, Late In, Early Out, Working Hours and Status of the students and staff. The report is downloadable in Excel and PDF format from the page.

  1. Select Student or Staff tab on the top of the page.
  2. Click FILTERS on the left side of the page.
  3. Select Class and Section for the student and Department for the staff from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select From and To dates.
  5. Select Status (All, Only Late In, Early Out and Not in time) from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select Student List and Staff List from the drop-down menu in their respective tabs. 
  7. Turn on the toggle against Include Inactive Student or Include Inactive Staff in their respective tabs if you want to download a report with inactive students and staff.
  8. Click Submit. The list of the biometric shift attendance report will be displayed.


  • Click to download the file in XLS form.
  • Click to download the file in PDF form.

Biometric shift attendance report will be downloaded.

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