To view and download timetable generation report

> Timetable > Timetable Reports > Timetable Generation Report

Timetable generation report provides a report of the timetable based on Subject, Teachers, Continuous, Constraints reports. Subjects report provides a report of the timetable based on subjects along with the Class-Section, Subject Name and Teacher’s Name and No. of periods/Week. Teachers report displays data of timetable of the teacher along with Teacher’s Name, Employee ID, Department, Subject Taught, Class Teacher of Class and No. of Periods/Week. Continuous period report displays only data corresponding to continuous periods which are not pre-defined by the user. Constraint report displays the constraint defined for the generation of timetable along with their fulfilment status as ‘success’ or ‘failure’. The file is downloadable in Excel format.

  1. Select the Type (Active or All) of the timetable from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select Timetable from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Date and Time from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Report from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Download. The file will be downloaded in excel format.

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