How can staff concessions be created and assigned to students?

To create staff concessions, establish a system where staff members can be allocated discount privileges, then assign these concessions to respective students.

Fee settings-> Fee concession-> Concession

Steps to create a staff concession type: 

Click on add new button

Enter Concession name, select concession type as Staff concession

  • Concessions can be defined either for student fee type or fee installment. In both cases, mapping is done according to classes available in the school.
  • Concessions can be added according to two logics: Amount and Percentage.
  •  In percentage calculation of concession, a definite percentage of fee amount is given out as concession for all the fee types/installments mapped.
  •  Fixed Amount: If a concession is chosen to be applicable on fee type and fixed amount. Ex.. A fixed amount of 100 will be given out as concession on the amount of each installment selected for every fee type of the selected class.
  • A concession can be mapped to various classes and fee types just as various concessions can be mapped to a class.

Click at the top right corner

Steps to configure concession rules:

Fee settings-> Fee concession-> Concession

Select the Preferences type:

  1. User has an option to select any of the preferences like DOB/DOA/Admission number with the order type either ascending or descending
  2. By clicking on add  button preferences can be added.

Select the Subconcession type and map: 

At a time user can add max of 6 siblings and map the sibling concession type.

Click on Update button then the concession settings for staff concession type will be saved


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