How to check your attendance in school?

> Attendance > My Attendance

Attendance can be viewed on Calendar, Summary and Regularization basis. 

    • Select Calendar tab on the top of the page. The calendar will be displayed with the count and status of the student/staff attendance including the present, absent, half-day, leave etc. Attendance percentage will also be shown on the page till the date of a particular month. Attendance will be shown on the calendar as Absent, Present, Half-Day, Leave etc.
    • Select Summary tab on the top of the page. The page will be displayed with the count of the working days, present, absent, half-day, leave etc based on the month. Attendance percentage will also be shown on the page till the date of a particular month.
    • Select Regularization on the top of the page. Select Status (Not Applied, Applied, Approved or Rejected)from the drop-down menu. Attendance status, Date and Reason will be displayed on the page for the selected status.

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